Transcript: It’s that time of the year again, so today we’re going to talk about navigating holiday and winter shipping delays. FreightPros. Freight Tips w/ Logan Theissen.
Tip#1: Ship early. The best way to combat these delays is to get your shipments out early. Transit times are notoriously longer during the holiday shipping season, so be proactive, and ship your freight earlier than you think you should. Tip#2: Weather. You’ll also need to pay attention to the weather. Not only at the pickup or delivery location, but in transit as well. Shipping is an interconnected industry, so a blizzard in the Midwest could delay your freight in California. Tip#3: BOL Verification. Make sure the bill of lading used at the time of pickup is flawless. Confirm all delivery information such as contact name, address, and phone number, as well as any special instructions that might be needed at the time of delivery. A perfect BOL can help avoid any unnecessary shipping delays. Those are our three tips to help minimize shipping delays this winter. My name is Logan with FreightPros. Happy holidays.