One of the most common billing discrepancies we see here at FreightPros is the Limited Access Shipping charge. You are probably asking yourself, “What the heck is limited access??? Who decides what is limited???”
What is Limited Access Delivery?
Fear not, dear shipper. My name is Ashley Phillips and I’ve seen (and disputed) every sort of invoice issue under the sun; some legitimate, others not so much. But first, let’s get started with a definition of limited access delivery. You’ve got to know your enemy to defeat them.
A limited access fee is an additional charge added to your freight bill due to the carrier’s consideration of extra service or time, and may be applied in several different instances.
Oftentimes, this type of location will require a smaller truck for delivery or pickup due to limited space. Think about a small, strip-mall parking lot. How tough would it be to maneuver a semi-truck in that small space?
But a limited access delivery charge is not always defined so literally. To avoid these sort of unforeseen costs in your freight shipping, it helps to keep a list of locations that are always considered, “limited access.” One general way to think about this type of service is if your shipment is delivering to any commercial establishment that is not open to the walk-in public during the normal business hours of 8AM-5PM. Examples of limited access points may include construction sites, fairs and carnivals, military bases/installations, mine sites, prisons, schools or universities, churches, storage facilities, piers, airports, farm or ranches, campgrounds, zoos, reservations, government facilities, hotels/motels or resorts, hospitals, doctor’s offices and small strip malls. Quite a list, right? One of the many advantages in working with a third party freight broker is our ability to provide solutions customized to your specific freight shipping. For example, I have a customer that ships deer blinds and another that ships fertilizer. Both of these customer’s clientele includes many ranchers/farmers. When we ship to their ranches and farms, we are sure to add this limited access freight shipping service to the BOL beforehand. This keeps unexpected costs down for everyone, and that’s always a good thing. Additional fees are frustrating, but half the battle is knowing what you’re looking for. As I tell my customers, when it comes to freight: “Expect the best, but plan for the worst!”
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