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Great Freight Broker Services – Part I : Automation

CC image courtesy of JohnGreenaway via Flickr

If you are a company that ships LTL freight and uses a freight broker, or are currently going carrier direct and wondering why you would consider using a broker, the following series will highlight some services that every great broker should provide. And don’t forget to check out our freight shipping guide available for free download.


We often run into companies that ship a large volume of LTL freight, but are not using automation in their daily LTL shipping processes. In this day and age of cloud computing, a quality broker should have software options that allow you to simply and easily manage your freight activities.

It’s no secret that a freight brokers’ number one priority is simplifying an often confusing and difficult LTL shipping world, and one of the ways we make our customer’s lives easier is through our efficient automation systems using our web-based software.

Using personalized, secure logins, our customers can quickly and easily manage their LTL freight shipping. You can instantly quote, book, and build shipments remotely from any web connected device. In only a few easy steps a customized bill of lading is created and our team handles the rest.

You don’t have to worry about making a bill of lading or calling a dispatcher to schedule a pickup. Our system also allows our customers to default locations, shipping items, and even specialized instructions that are placed on the bill of lading. Together, these processes streamline the LTL shipping process.

So if you are one of those companies out there manually calling around for quotes, scribbling rates vs rates on a stick-E-note, you need to find a freight broker that will offer you some simple automation tools. Automation can sometimes bring to mind long-ago factory assembly lines, but with today’s technology and the rapid growth of the internet age, it’s costing you time and money if you’re still getting your quotes and building your shipments over the phone or on a piece of paper with a sharpie. Take advantage of the automated tools your broker can offer you – just watch out for the robots.


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