The wisest of us know that there is always work to be done. Regardless of industry, there’s always something to learn. As work as in life. The freight industry is a proud member of this club. The best brokers know there is ALWAYS something to learn in the shipping business. There is no finish line when it comes to LTL knowledge.
As a growing company, we’re always finding new FreightPros that have little or no freight experience. Over the past few years, we’ve made a very concerted effort to create training materials, procedures, classes, and all sorts of stuff to help our customers, our employees, and probably some curious souls, learn and understand the ever-changing freight industry.
Training in freight is a long and arduous process, but one that we’re committed to making worthwhile here at FreightPros. As in most things training, it’s best to jump in the pool and learn to swim. We believe (with some control, of course) that doing is learning.
There’s simply too much information to absorb if you’re reading a handbook, or watching a freight instructional video. Freight class alone is worthy of multiple blog posts and Freight Paper treatments.
Speaking of our blog, it works as an incredible instructional document; long-running and always being updated. Apart from our “Freight How-To’s” such as How to Ship an Engine, or How to Ship a Motorcycle, our blog houses reference material like freight terms, and 5 Shipping Mistakes You’re Probably Making.
When we hire new FreightPros, these materials act as building blocks to their shipping education. Our Freight Paper collection is extensive (and growing) and offers free downloads for ALL SORTS of shipping information. These documents also supply excellent freight training.
If all that wasn’t enough, we’ve even started hosting inter-office training seminars coined “Tiny Trainings.” In 15 minutes or less, our FreightPros cover everything from freight claims processes to getting the best air shipment quotes. Throw on our instructional video library, and you’ve got yourself a certifiable smorgasbord of freight training.
As I mentioned, this material plays a part everyday in our office. Whether it’s training new employees, helping our great customers save time on their shipping, or even helping the random shippers out there answer a question, we’ve got the best freight training material in the brokerage business.