LTL Volume Quotes

What’s in this Freight Paper?

  1. What information is needed for a volume quote
  2. When to use a volume quote vs LTL
  3. Limitations and specifications for volume quotes

A specialized version of your standard LTL shipment, the volume shipment plays a large role in the freight industry. Like the middle brother, a volume shipment lies between LTL and full truckload. This Freight Paper will deliver all the information that you’ll need concerning volume shipments. Consider this a one-stop reference for the next time you’re thinking about getting a volume quote or shipment. Check out our blog on volume shipments if you’re looking for even more information on volume shipments. Enjoy!

What is a volume shipment?

A volume shipment is an LTL shipment that is too big to be priced in the standard less-than-truckload way, but too small to move full truckload. A shipment may be considered volume if it takes up more than 12 linear feet of truck space (six standard pallet spaces), or weighs more than 10,000 lbs. However, each carrier has its own qualifications for what constitutes a volume shipment.

Are all volume shipments the same?

Not all volume quotes are created equal. Instead, they are like snowflakes – each one unique. This means that it’s very important to get a quote number for every volume shipment you have, and that the quote number is displayed prominently on the BOL used at the time of pickup.

Do volume quotes expire?

Yes. Like most shipping quotes, they will expire after a certain amount of time. These expirations exist because of changing gas prices, weather, and seasonal lane capacity. Each carrier will have different volume quote expiration dates. Some will be as short as two days while others will not expire for a month. Either way, it’s important to confirm that your quote is still active before shipping.

What information do I need to get a volume quote?

The first bit of info you’ll need will be the exact dimensions (LxWxH) of the freight – packaging included. You’ll also need the total weight of the shipment. You’ll need a description of the commodity (not just the freight class). The last important bit of information needed will be the estimated ship date. Because volume quotes expire, it’s important to confirm the quote number and price before shipping.

Will all volume quotes have a quote number?

Yes, every volume quote will have a corresponding quote number. The carrier uses this number for billing purposes after the freight has been delivered and invoiced. If a shipment does not have a quote number on the BOL then you will be charged full LTL price for the shipment. Because the shipment is larger than a standard LTL shipment, penalties and high-price rates are often accrued to a volume shipment without a quote number.

How long does it take to get a volume quote?

Unlike a regular LTL shipment, where TMS or some other quick freight quote tool can be used, a volume shipment requires more time. While an LTL quote is instantaneous, volume quotes can take up to two or three hours in some cases. Most carriers try to get volume quotes back within the hour, but each carrier is different and the time needed for a quote can vary based on how busy the volume department is that day.

How helpful are volume quotes?

Volume quotes are great. Period. If you’re an LTL shipper, chances are you are going to have shipments that go over the restrictions of a typical LTL shipment. The difference in price between LTL and truckload is significant, and the last thing you’ll want to do is spend money on empty space in a truck. Volume quotes are easy to get. Just remember to tell the truth about your freight when you’re getting the quote, and putting the quote number on the BOL that’s used at the time of pickup. For more information or to get a freight quote, visit us at or call us at 888-297-6968. Check out our shipping blog and collection of Freight Papers while you’re at it.

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LTL Volume Quotes
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